Killian the Golden Retriever

Summer is a great time for a puppy, especially since our schedules will be a bit tighter come September than they were when Murphy was a pup.

So we found a lovely litter, worked out our choice of puppy with the breeder, drove up to the very top of Vermont, and picked up Killian.

We gave up on our cleaning products theme and instead tried to think of names that went well with Murphy. And his full registered name, Lake Champlain Shield of Achilles, takes us back to our roots of pulling dog names from Greek mythology, like Ajax and Argus.


We got to meet his lovely mom, Skye, and play around for a bit before we headed across Vermont and New Hampshire to stay a couple of days with our parents in Maine.

Killian’s first weekend with us included boat rides on the lake, lunches out on restaurant patios, and even a chance to splash in the shallows of the lake.


He’s smart, tough, and sweet, and he’s off to a great start!

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Late Summer Adventures


Little Fox, Big Dream